What Happened to Lois Jenkins? Who Killed Billie Jo and Where is Sion Jenkins now? Explained

What Happened to Lois Jenkins? Who Killed Billie Jo and Where is Sion Jenkins now? Explained: In this article, we are going to talk about Lois Jenkins and her husband Sion Jenkins. Back in 1997, he was arrested on the charges of killing his stepdaughter Billie-Jo with tent nails. But last week the jury failed to come out with a justifiable conclusion and verdict.  The couple was trending after the big disclosure from Lois related to her husband. She made shocking claims about her husband like he is a liar and has desired to beat the family members badly. Keep reading to get the answer of where is, Lois Jenkins now ?

Who is Lois Jenkins?

Lois Jenkins is 43 years old lady. She is the wife of Sion Jenkins who is a 63-year-old who often remain in news headlines back since the allegation of murdering her stepdaughter broke out. The couple has two more daughters named Annie and Charlotte. She was not allowed to reveal the truth when Sion was trying to kill her daughter name Billie-Jo.  

The Sion Jenkins was making news headlines after he was controversially released because the jury failed to jump to the logical conclusion. The media group in between released the reports of Lois in a 7000-word memoir.  In which some shocking disclosure has been made by her. 


One wrote after watching the interview ” And the smile seems like a symptom of sociopathy. Sociopaths (like psychopaths) lack negative emotion however sociopaths (unlike psychopaths) care about their reputation and how other people think. This could explain why he is so obsessed with his innocence and lacks all emotional empathy for the death of his child.”

Sion Jenkins daughters

Billie Jo, 17 years old, stepdaughter of the couple met her tragic end on February 15, 1997. Sources confirm that she was murdered with the tent nail while she was painting the backyard wall in Hastings. Later Jenkins found her dead. Later when the investigation started on the case, he got arrested and convicted by Lewis Crown Court.

In 2004, the jury fails to provide justice and the case adjourned. Last week too when the jury failed to draw out the conclusion, he got released controversially. 

There are also some unpopular reports related to the sexual encounter of Billie-Jo.  

What happened with Lois Jenkins?

Lois Jenkins alleged her husband of the domestic abuse and aggressive nature towards the kids. Her daughter Annie also provides testimony that her father has hit her in the stomach. Lois remembered the chill behavior of Sion the same day when Billie got murdered. 


As per the latest information Sion Jenkins is now living with her new wife in Hampshire. He got separated from Lois in 2005 and married another female. 

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