Who is Alexis Dominguez from Point Park? 20 years old baseball player Passed Away

Alexis Dominguez, 20, Point Park baseball player passed away. Find out Alexis Dominguez Wiki, Age, Obituary, Cause of death, Parents, Funeral, girlfriend, accident update:

Heartbreaking news of a young and passionate baseball player Alexis Dominguez Death is surfacing online. The 20 years old guy was reported to be dead due to some unknown reason. He was a baseball player at Point Park University. The tragic passing of the boy was confirmed by the university too through posting on social media. Family and friends are deeply saddened with losing an integral part of their life. Stay with the article to explore more related to Alexis Dominguez Point Park personal life. 

Who was Alexis Dominguez?

As per the sources, Alexis Dominguez was born on February 21, 2001, and was 20 years old at the time of his death. He belongs from Venezuelan and was brought up there. And family currently living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was hard working and full of beans kind of boy in his group. As a baseball enthusiast, he was an outfielder and catcher of his baseball team. He joined the university in the year 2019. Alexis has an elder brother named Edberg Dominguez who has also been a part of the Point park family. He completed his school education at Brito Miami Private School. 

Alexis Dominguez Death

The saddening passing of 20 years old Alexis has shaken everyone on the internet. He was an emerging baseball player who focus his entire dedication and efforts on the same. Family and relatives are deeply broken by the incident. As per the reports Alexis Dominguez Death on January 26, 2022. Social media users extend their condolences and tributes following the news got surfaced online. Our team also shares sympathy with the family and friends who are going through the trauma after this incident. 


The circumstances around his death remain unclear as of now. There are no trusted reports or official information from the sources related to the cause of death. Our team is working to gain further knowledge on the topic and will shortly update you. 

“My heart goes out to the Domingues family and all the men in the Point Park Baseball program. I pray for God’s love and his healing hands to be wrapped around all that knew and loved Alex. RIP, Gods Speed”

Some have already created a Gofundme page of the dead Alexis to give financial support to the family. The fundraiser of the page Stephanie Bezanilla wrote “Alexis was a 20 year old with a passion for baseball. He loved to spend time with his family and friends and create memories with them that they will be able to cherish for the rest of their lives. Let us come together to assist the Dominguez family with any possible donations to help with financial expenses they will be experiencing.”

And the collection has successfully surpassed the goal of $25k. At the time of writing this blog, $26k has been collected with the support of people. 

Alexis Dominguez Obituary

The family has not revealed anything about Alexis Dominguez Obituary until now. We are still waiting for their disclosure on the tragic passing to bring more clarity. We will soon post more information so make sure you follow Deathmilitia.com regularly.  Mourning the death of a young player many shares RIP messages on social media spaces. Point Park University Athletics wrote on Facebook “Teammate, classmate, friend, brother, FAMILY. Alexis Dominguez (2001-2022) will be missed. We will remember that smile and all he brought to campus for each one of us. RIP Alexis”



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