American Historian Dr. Runoko Rashidi Died, Cause of Death, Wikipedia, Age, Net worth, Obituary, Facebook, Twitter

Recently the death of famous American historian Runoko Rashidi has been confirmed by many sources. He died at the age of 65. Social media networking sites are outpour with RIP messages. His fan following did not limit to any particular place. People follow him from all over the world. No words can express the loss of legendary Runoko. We share our deep condolence with the family and relatives. The cause of his death is not confirmed as the family did not reveal the same. Continue your reading to know about Runoko Rashidi Death, dr Runoko Rashidi death cause, Wikipedia, Age, Net worth, Twitter, Instagram, Obituary.

American Historian Dr. Runoko Rashidi Died

Runoko Rashidi Death

All over the world, people mourn when they knew about Runoko Rashidi Died. He was a great historian. He lectured on ancient Egypt.  “It is with our most sincere and deepest regret that the family of Dr. Runoko Rashidi announced the sad news that he has transitioned into the ancestral realm on 2nd August 2021. He was on a tour in Kmt, doing what he loved most. He will be greatly missed. #runokorashidi”

“R.I.P. Runoko Rashidi: From reliable sources, he passed in KEMET today. An awesome pioneer of Protecting African/Black history in this world. It was through his works I saw myself on every continent. We may have lost a Jewel yet he left us so much to know.”

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A lot of people mourns the death of dr. Runoko Rashidi. Here are some heartwarming messages.

Anthony T. Browder wrote on Facebook: “I lost my Brother Runoko Rashidi yesterday. We lost a giant yesterday. As the world mourns the loss of Brother Runoko, let us remember him as a brilliant scholar who dedicated his life documenting the contributions of African greatness worldwide. I share this interview Runoko and I did on June 20 and ask that you think of him fondly and wish him safe passage as he makes his way into the Ancestral realm. Peace and Blessings to the family of Runoko Rashidi.”

“Sad news. I just got word that Runoko Rashidi has joined the Ancestors. We respect his contributions to the uplifting of our minds. May his journey into Amenta be a smooth one. And may his heart be as light as the feather of Ma’at”

“Dr Runoko Rashidi, a popular and renowned scholar of African history has passed away in Egypt, doing while researching ancient Egyptian/Kemetic society, sources say. A monumental loss for the Pan-African community Crying face. Rest in Power, ChampRaised fistBlack heartRaised fist. #runokorashidi #Runokolives”

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Cause of Death

So far we Runoko Rashidi’s cause of death is out of our knowledge. We are checking our sources from time to time. We ensure that when we got any new leads, they will reach you soon with the help of our site. You just need to stay tuned with us.


Runoko Rashidi was a great Los Angeles-based historian, essayist, author, and history lecturer. He was born in the year born 1954  and died on August 2, 2021.  In his career, he wrote 18 books. He wrote the book  Introduction to the Study of African Classical Civilizations.  He was a member of the editorial board of AfricologyHis propensity towards history brought him to the place where he counted as one of the great historians. From time to time he arranged public lectures to share his immense knowledge with others.  According to the sources, he visited 124 countries in the world with the purpose to explore. He is a supporter of the belief that in the prehistoric era Africans are present in Asia and other parts of the world. In his book The African Presence in Early Asia, Runoko mentioned his thought.


1 thought on “American Historian Dr. Runoko Rashidi Died, Cause of Death, Wikipedia, Age, Net worth, Obituary, Facebook, Twitter”

  1. The international African and its Diaspora community of people need their own team of forensic pathologists to determine the cause of death of renowned African intellectuals. Such an international team of specialists should be available at the request of the family.

    Investigation into the cause of death should be especially considered when the Afro-intellectual is world renowned for his or her work in developing the minds and conditions of the African people.


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