Who is Parker Iverson and what is the 16 Year boy cause of death? obituary, school, parker edward iverson

A 16-year-old boy Parker Iverson is dead news circulating on the internet. Netizens mourn parker Edward Iverson Death.

The saddening news of Parker Iverson’s death was made public by so many sources on the internet. He was just 16 years old college student with so many dreams. His sudden demise at the age left everyone in utter disbelief including family, friends, and relatives. We will discuss more his personal life and the circumstances surrounding his death further in this blog. So stay with the article till the end.

Who is Parker Iverson?

Parker’s complete name is Parker Edward Iverson. he was 16 years old second-year student based in Ohio State. He was born on January 23, 2005, to Annie Iverson. He completed his basic education at Edgewood School.

Someone wrote ” Parker was the kind of person that made you happy. Made you smile. And made you shake your head. He was Annie’s first child, Abby and Trey’s first nephew, and Gigi and Papa’s first grandchild. He was a pleaser — he wanted to make everyone laugh. He wanted to make you smile.”

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Later he went to Ohio High School for further studies. Parker was about to get a decent internship from a local company but sadly died before joining the same. He was a hardworking and ambitious boy with a positive approach to life.

Parker Iverson

Parker Iverson is Dead

Parker’s death is a big shock to everyone who was directly or indirectly linked with him.  His death was confirmed on 25 November 2021 by many sources on the internet. Although the circumstances around his death remain undisclosed.

We are waiting for Parker Edward Obituary to garner more details over his sudden departure at this small age.


One wrote on his Gofundme page “From his classmates at Edgewood and Madeira, to his coworkers at Gold Star. From his immediate family to his crazy cousins, aunts, and uncles. He will be so missed by everyone that knew him, but especially missed by his mom, dads, Gigi and Papa, sister and brothers. He has left a hole in our hearts that cannot be replaced, but in that hole, we will store all of our memories and love for him and he will live there forever. Rest In Peace P. E. I.”

How did the 16 years old boy die?

As mentioned we do not have any information about the cause of death. As he was just 16 years, the reason behind his death seems to be something unusual. 

Family members or any relative have not been updated on this matter so far. We will let you know if anything came out. Someone has already created a Gofundme page of the boy to give financial support to the family. 


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