How to Structure and Plan Your Essay

If you want to build a convincing, logically organized, and sense -bearing essay, it needs to be composed with the right structure. To do so, an essay should be built within a general essay structure, such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Moreover, an essay needs to be clear inside its general essay structure that you have included. The tips below outline the main instructions for successful essay writing. 


  1. Research & analyze your essay topic.
  2. Compose an essay outline. 
  3. Write introductory paragraphs. 
  4. Follow up with body paragraphs.
  5. Summarize your main points in a conclusion. 

Paper  Writing Tips

  1. Start your essay writing process with researching your topic. To reach this goal use academic databases, the Internet, and libraries. Take notes or bookmark the words that you can use in the essay. After you collected a knowledgebase, choose arguments to support your essay topic. Define the claims, the reasons, and the evidence. Find strong logical facts that are fundamental for your essay. Remember that if you want to learn how to write an essay, you should be able to analyze essays written by others. 
  2. Give a broad brush picture of your essay before starting to write it out. Write one-line sentences to describe each paragraph. Include the main point of each paragraph into the outline sentences. Form the main structure of your arguments and make sure each paragraph contains strong argumentation.
  3. The next important thing in your essay structure is the introduction. It is necessary to build introductory paragraphs to involve your reader. It is also vital to build a thesis statement that tells a reader what your essay is about in one sentence. In the last sentence of the introductory part put a transitional phrase which logically moves the reader to the first body paragraph.  
  4. The first body paragraph should be built on the most fundamental argument, contain the most significant example, maintain the cleverest illustration, and propose the defined beginning point. The first sentence should be related to the introductory part. The main idea of the first body paragraph should be exposed in the first or second sentence. This idea should be connected with the thesis statement of the opening paragraph. Write your last sentence in a way that it could be connected with the second body paragraph. 
  5. The second and third body paragraphs should each contain arguments, examples, and logical connections between paragraphs. The last sentence of the final body paragraph should contain a concluding sense to signal the reader that this is the final major issue being discussed in this essay. This sentence must lead the reader to the closing paragraph. 
  6. You should gracefully exit your essay by ending up with the following:
  7. A mention of the pattern that was described in the introduction.
  8. A rephrasing of the thesis statement.
  9. A summarizing of three main arguments from the body paragraphs.
  10. A final sentence that indicates the end of the essay.

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Do not be mistaken about the function of each essay section. You should be clear about what each essay part is about. 
  • Do not avoid using connective words to create logical transitions between essay sections. 
  • Make sure that your conclusion does not repeat the introduction word by word, as you have to state the arguments developed in the essay in your final paragraph. 
  • Do not introduce new information or new ideas in the conclusion. The body of your essay is the place for new ideas. 

An essay can be written for different purposes, but the structure will stay the same no matter what. You will be required to write an essay for a particular point of view or to describe the steps necessary to finish a task. Nevertheless, your essay should be formatted identically. 

If you can’t cope with essay writing on your own, pay for an essay online to a professional essay writer and receive a ready-made essay before the deadline. When you buy an essay online, it is important to choose a reliable company that will deliver a high-quality, plagiarism-free paper on time. At Payforwriting, we have a team of experienced and qualified essay writers who can help you with all your essay.

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