Who is joshuajered twitter? The video leaked on reddit of dead boy 14 years

A fun ride to an amusement park ended in tragedy after a 14-year-old boy fell to his death from a height of 430 feet in Florida, ABC News reported. Boy Tire Sampson from Missouri is spending some quality time at ICON Amusement Park with friends and family. Tire chose the Orlando FreeFall Ride, a 430-foot freestanding drop tower.

The incident came to light after an emergency call reported that a child had fallen while riding a bike in the park. The accident occurred shortly after 11 p.m. on Thursday, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Here’s the video: A video four minutes later also circulated on social media, capturing the boy’s horrific death.

In the video, onlookers can be heard screaming as they witness Thiel fall from a considerable height. It also shows tire sag because the ride is at the bottom of the sag. RELATED STORY ‘Pure Gold’: Noida teenager runs 10km after leaving work every night so he can join the Indian Army. Thiel was taken to a local hospital after an incident in which he was later seriously injured, the sheriff’s office says.

Orange County Sheriff John Miner said Till’s death appeared to be accidental at first glance, based on eyewitness testimony and video of the crash. Mina added: “Our role in this situation is to determine if it was an accidental or deliberate act and if it was just a horrible tragedy.”

The sheriff also said no criminal charges have been filed and an investigation is underway. However, Mina added that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs will assess the safety of the trip.

Referring to the video of the accident, Mina said it was marked as “something horrible that shouldn’t be in public and closed. Orlando Freefall was reportedly one of two games at ICON Park last December.

The theme park boasts the world’s tallest freestanding drop, holding 30 passengers at a time and free falling at over 75 miles per hour.

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