who was Paige Roessner, Skutt student and nebraska softball player cause of death

We all mourn the unexpected passing of Skutt Catholic High School student and dedicated athlete Paige Roessner. She was confirmed to be dead recently by multiple sources on the internet. the cause of her untimely demise at this young age remains uncertain at the moment. Our team extends the deepest condolence to the family members for the great loss. Keep reading to explore more about her. 

Who was Paige Roessner?

Paige Roessner was a football player from Skutt Catholic High School. She was a young, talented and hardworking athlete who wanted to become a successful athlete in her life. And thanks to her relentless spirit she was heading towards her dream at a great pace. But suddenly something happened that stopped her in between.

The information related to her age remains undisclosed at this time. She has not shared anything on social media platforms related to her personal stuff. You can visit her Instagram page where around 1.3k followers are there. 


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Our Xedge family is devastated. Our hearts break for the Roessners. Paige was part of our family! She was kind, loving, compassionate, hard-working, loyal, & dedicated! Paige treated people with love & kindness, let’s model that with one another as we remember such a great kid!” said one Twitter user. 

Paige Roessner Death

The saddening passing of Skutt athlete was confirmed by the multiple leads. The official social handle of Skutt Catholic High School also mourns the passing of its student. While on the field she used to wear the No. 33 jersey. Some leads confirmed that she had played for the Nebraska Gold organization. Lexie Zimmer reacted to her death “I have no words.

It still doesn’t even feel real. Paige, you changed so many people’s lives. You were always there if anyone ever needed it, you always made everyone laugh and smile. Jason Roessner and Barb Roessner, your daughter was so special. Love you, Paige, forever in our hearts. Fly High”



Skutt student and Nebraska softball player dies

The exact circumstances around her death are yet to reveal. There are is an update clarifying the cause of her untimely and unexpected death. Going through the social media comments, we get to know that she was just 18 at the time of her death. It is really heartbreaking for family and friends for losing an integral part in this way. We share full sympathy with them in this difficult time.

Brian Scott said “Jason’s 18-year-old daughter Paige has passed away. I remember her from work when she was just a little tiny girl. So precious. She grew into an amazing woman with so much talent, intelligence, and beauty and is gone way too soon. I’m not a religious man but I can only assume God has bigger plans for her.”

Another wrote mourning the demise “Words cannot describe the pain we have for the Roessner family. Paige was a wonderful addition to the Skutt family and softball team her Senior Year. Our girls are heartbroken. She was always smiling, always kind, and always friendly. Love on your people as you never know what they might be going through on the inside. Never to be forgotten”

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