Helen Jackson Principal of Pascoe Vale Girls College Shockingly Died

Death News of the longest-serving principal of Pascoe Vale Girls College in Australia named Helen Jackson Principal is sharing hugely on all social media platforms. Who is Helen Jackson and how did he die? We will discuss all this later in the article. So let’s start with the intro of Helen Jackson Principal.

Who is Helen Jackson Principal?

Helen Jackson was popular fame who is well known as the principal of Pascoe Vale Girls College.  Pascoe Vale Girls College school was established in 1956 and Helen was first appointed as the principal in 1987.  This is really wondering fact news that Helen Jackson was the first appointed as the principal till now.

She served the college for a long time period of over 35 years with her 60 years of experience. She was known as one of the longest-serving principals with 60 years of teaching experience in Victoria.

her interview with The Sydney Morning Herald, she shared few things about herself and her life experiences. Her first school was St Margaret of Scotland’s infant school. She shared her first experience from her school life.

Helen Jackson Principal

Additionally, she shared her career experiences in Pascoe Vale. She started teaching in the school in 1961. At that time, the school was a domestic girl’s school that used to focus on cookery and needlework.

She had played important role in introducing a higher school certificate in the 1960 s in Pascoe. She mentioned that she is thankful to her parents Mary and Micahel who instilled a love of learning in her and a conviction that education is the greatest gift.


Principal Helen Jackson Death

Helen Jackson Principal Death is still a mystery for netizens at this time. Any official statement revealing his cause of death is not come out. Whenever our team got anything in this matter, we will let our audience surely update. So just be in touch with us.

Our Team heartily mourns this huge loss of Helen Jackson Principal life. Hundreds of students and people were devastated and update because of losing a legendary principal. People were paying tribute on social media and passing condolence.

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One Twitter User Wrote:

“Sad – passing of former Pascoe Vale Girls Principal – Helen Jackson. Started teaching @ school in 1961 & appointed Principal 1987. Had pleasure working with her in 1995/1996. Never forget her standing in hallway in robe greeting girls & staff. Longest serving Principal. RIP Helen”

One close friend of Helen Jackson Wrote a beautiful write up on Facebook:

“Let me tell you of Helen Jackson as I knew her.

Helen was my highschool principal. She was a short, stout Scot who’d come across the seas with her family. In her younger years, she taught English, before moving up the school hierarchy and ending up the Principal of Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College in the year I was born.
The Helen I knew was a firecracker – she believes everyone deserves a quality education and she fought for it. I know several girls who were challenges to the education system that she helped. She worked hard in her community to build good connections and encouraged her charges to do the same. Her door was open to everyone. I distinctly remember every Christmas season, she’d always have a ton of cards she’d proudly display – mostly from the students.
I will never forget her walking down A Corridor in academic robes, her hair in her trademark bun. It always used to make me laugh that she was a little too short to peer in the windows, but her bun was just tall enough to be noticed by the students. I referred to it as the “bun of doom”.
She knew me pretty well. Between the public speaking, the Japan trip, and everything else I did (the list is endless), I had the opportunity to know her too. As someone endlessly curious, recognising that in her was something that inspired me. She was kind, always. She knew all her girls, and was proud of every single one of them – especially the ones who gave her grief.
Helen sent her girls out into the world to be strong, to be independent, to make the world a little bit brighter. She was indefatigable in this.
I’m proud to have been one of her girls.
I got the word that Helen passed away in her sleep last night. I knew she’d been sick, but she survived a stroke not long after I graduated. I kind of expected her to live forever, she was practically bullet-proof. I expected her to have told Death to go away until she was ready.
She never married, she never had children of her own, but she is survived by generations of “her girls” who will continue her legacy for generations to come.
Goodbye Miss Jackson, the world is a little less bright without you.
– Claire Connors
Pascoe Vale Girls Alumni
Class of 2005″

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