Safiya Firoze Pilot: Stoned to Death, Afghanistan pilot, Safiya Firozi, Husband, Death Reason, News, Wiki, Age, All Updates

Recently heartbroken news has come to our Deathmilitia team. The news is about Safiya Firoze Pilot who was Stoned To Death In Afghanistan. Who was Safiya Firoze and how did she die? All updates will be given in the below blog.

Safia Firoze Pilot

Recently the people of Afghanistan have face heart broking news of the life loss of  Safiya Firoze Pilot who become the victim of the Kabul blast. People of Afghanistan are in huge condolence and showing their pain through social media platforms.  

Our sources revealed that Safiya Firoze was a captain of the Afghan Air Force. She was known for her outstanding role in fighting the Taliban insurgency. She had a great reputation in the air force army. Even girls respect her as an ideal personality.  

Some sources also said that Safiya was the country’s second female pilot in the Afghan Air Force. Her family fled from their home in Kabul in the 1990s, during the civil war among Afghanistan’s warlords.  

Safiya Firoze Stoned to Death in Afghanistan, All Details

This all starts from the tweet of an Indian Twitter user who wrote: “Safiya Firozi, one of the four lady pilots of the Afghan Air Force. Stoned to death in public this morning.”

As per the recently updated news, tons of Aghan’s people have been killed to death, not only Safiya. It’s not confirmed by the trusted sources yet. 

What’s the saddest part is that we can’t simply pinpoint anyone. From 1979 up until 1989 Afghanistan was annexed by the Soviet forces attacking and killing the netizens mercilessly. 

This is really horrible to hear about such a thing. 

Also Read: 19- Year-Old, Daniela Disanto Found Dead

Safiya Firozi WIki

Our Researcher found that Safiya was a married woman. Her husband, Capt. Mohammad Jawad Najafi is also a pilot who works in the same unit supporting army ground forces.

The duo later tied the knot, supporting each other ever since. In contrast, she welcomed their first child, daughter Nergis.

Safiya Firozi was a family woman who becomes an ideal for many other women of Afghanistan. people will always make her remembered. May God gives peace to her soul.

Currently, we are unable to provide you any further updates on her family but we are working on it. 

Safiya Firoze Pilot

Death Reason

Actual death reason or any other official source related to Safiya Firozi Pilot Death is not yet come out. But our team is continuously working on it and let our audience update whenever we get anything on this. 

People on social media were continuously posting their thoughts on Safiya Firozi on social media platforms. Here are some messages of general public:

“Safiya firoze, the female Afganistani Airforce Pilot, who confronted the Talibanis was stoned to death yesterday,
Meanwhile, the muslim “mards” of Afghanistan were busy fleeing away to save their lives.”


“Afghan Woman, Safia Ferozi, Goes From Refugee to Afgan Air Force Pilot…
Yesterday morning, Safiya Firoze was Stoned to Death in Afghanistan by Taliban…”

“If women become pilots in our India, parents and people of the country will be praised….
If it is in the same Islamic countries, they will kill with stones like this….
As long as India is a Hindu country, we will live and respect the women of our house. Once they change their religion and increase their majority in the country, if Sharia laws come, then there will be bad lives…..
There are so many examples of this. The photo below is one of such things….”

“Problem is not with religions, the problem is with religious fanatics dancing on the signals from politicians… And if this fanaticism is taking you to the stone age, it’s time to rethink whether we really need a system based on religions.. It’s better to go with the modern progressive systems backed up with science and humanitarian principles”



4 thoughts on “Safiya Firoze Pilot: Stoned to Death, Afghanistan pilot, Safiya Firozi, Husband, Death Reason, News, Wiki, Age, All Updates”

  1. शरिया का केवल एक ही ईलाज है,
    There is only one solution to Sharia and it is Kesharia (Saffron)

  2. Whoever in Hindustan thinks Dat Muslims r not Safe, then they should visit Muslim Majoritarian Countries like Porkistan/ Afghanistan/Turkey & shld see for themselves how Muslims r killing Muslims in d name of Religion


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