Who is Andrew Chabrol and what is Melissa Harrington Murder Navy Case?

Navy Officer Andrew Chabrol charged with the Murder of Melissa Harrington was Sentenced to Death. Melissa Harrington Navy Case Explained. 

Andrew Chabrol, the 204th person executed in the United States since 1976 is recently been trending on Social media. Netizens were curious to know more about him. People were also spreading the news of the Melissa Harrington Navy case. What is it and who is Andrew Chabrol? all this will be covered in the article. So, be with us till the end.

Andrew Chabrol

Who is Andrew Chabrol?

Andrew Chabrol was a former Navy lieutenant who was executed by electrocution. He kidnapped and tortured a woman named Melissa Harrington before killing her in his house in 1991. According to many news websites, Andrew wants to make a romantic relationship with her while still working in the Navy. However, she rejected his advances and instead complained about it to his superior.

As a result, Andrew Chabrol’s career and marriage got affected. he left the Navy in 1991 January and began planning for revenge. He also kept a computer journal in which Harrington was referred to as  “Nemesis”. Later with the help of another man named Stanley J. Berkeley, he kidnapped Melissa when her husband is out of town.

She was taken to his home, strapped to his bed, and tortured. When she tried to fight, her head was tightly wrapped up in duct tape, and she was strangled to death with a rope. This is really hard to believe that such brutal behavior is done by a navy officer. Police arrested him on the murder charges, and he was sentenced to death by electrocution.

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Melissa Harrington Murder Navy Case Explained

Melissa Harrington Navy Case has recently gone viral on Social media. According to the sources, X Navy officer Andrew Chabrol was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, although he was charged with kidnapping, misconduct, and murder. He even receives a flag on his grave every Memorial Day, which is a continuous injustice to BM2 Harrington. Some netizens were not happy with this, as they were saying that such criminals do not deserve this honor.

Hence,  a petition was made to remove him from the cemetery, which will show that the military ensures women’s safety. Till now, there are 10,470 petitions signed.  They even create a Petition page on change.org.

Some people were also provoking NBC Dateline to cover the story. 

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