esplanadi onnettomuus video: Watch Full accident video of esplanadi onnettomuus kuski

The Internet is full of weird news and viral videos and a new video goes viral on social media every new day. Recently a shocking video with the name Esplanadi onnettomuus video. According to some unregistered News Sources, the news is coming from Helsinki where a motorist was arrested for crashing into a crowd and giving them heavy injuries. The news is verified by the local authorities. We will cover the complete information in the further article.

esplanadi onnettomuus kuski

Esplanadi onnettomuus video

When the unfortunate news comes in front of local authorities, healthcare services were instantly started to help the people who injured in this accident. In the shocking accident footage, the motorist was traveling at very high-speed rates in the southern part of the town and it later collided with some people and many vehicles as well.

Although the incident looks very normal just like other accident that usually happens in town but the driver who was later arrested really did huge damage to the people and the vehicle because of his high speed. Even the eyewitness also reveals their terror and shock in the interview.

The explosion was really huge and did bad damage. After the collision of the motorist with the crowd, the transport was immediately stopped and a huge black smoke was spreading out in that location.

Esplanadi onnettomuus accident news is covered by hundreds of local news agencies with the interview of many eyewitnesses. We pay tribute and pass our condolence to the family members of people who lost their lives or were involved in the heavy damages in this accident. We also pray that something like this will never happen again in the future in Helsinki. The motorist was immediately taken into custody as he reveal that his car was at a minimum speed of 100km/hr which was totally illegal in the town. 

We will revert back to you with any other updates that we receive in this matter and hope for the fast recovery of people who got injured in this accident. The accident video goes viral on the internet but it seems to be unsafe for the younger audience. 

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